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Why I am Building Haris Lab

August 18, 2023 (1y ago)


427 Words


3 Min Read

Haris Lab

  • Because I want it and needed it
  • Being useful to other
  • Brain dump of my math and physics knowledge
  • Trying to have a skin on frontend react ecosystem
  • Experimenting concept as a leverage of zero marginal cost of duplication with coding which applying to my previous specific knowledge which are theoritical math and physics
  • In the journey, i found the alighment with math, physics and code with reactjs (functional components) which is function. All of them have function concept, which make this knowledge transferable. (But to make a usefull app (web app) with this kind stack of knowledge, there is so many small things to know and apply, more than function)
  • Well its part of reserve of knowledge, someone quoted:

    If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability. – Henry Ford

  • If you want to know if something is important or not, try to remove it and see what happen. If removing it create catastrophy, it is important and vice versa. It is for math and physics, all scientific that maintain all engineering stuff are based on math and physics.
  • Education is one of the top of recommendation message from Elon Musk to Indonesia to become great country alongside with internet connectivity and participating in creation of sustainable energy. Source
  • Indonesia aspires to become "Developed Country" by its 100th anniversary in 2045. At that time, I want Haris Lab to be a part of it, and I will be 46 years old then.
  • Making myself a part of the "9 million digital talents by 2030" to ensure Indonesia remains competitive in this era, known as "4.0" or beyond.
  • Regret Minimization Framework -> Imagine my age now 80 years old and look back in time at now, would I be regreting not doing this thing? I think the answer is certain, it yes. Because why not, you might not have a lot of ideas very often, and would not get a sense of Product-Market-Fit really easily since it really complicated that it is require an experience, get in touch with the problem, desired solution from other people at your domain, and some specific skills (or ability to manage tools or people to do the job) to build a product.